The reasons why GNU~Linux
might be the greatest invention in the history of mankind.

Please note: This is a very preliminary first draft statement
that will be revised and fine-tuned as we receive
feedback, critique, and recommendations.

This title statement is true for many reasons  . . .  first of which is that  GNU~Linux  is the  only  human invention in the history of mankind that has come into existence through the efforts of uncountable thousands of brilliant and talented individuals (and corporations) from all around the world who have voluntarily contributed their very best efforts to create something to benefit all of mankind  . . .  and which no one can be prevented from receiving its benefits.

Second, GNU~Linux is governed and protected by a remarkable legal document that stipulates that all of its millions of lines of code must be "open" and available to everyone to view, copy, improve, or change and that all such work must be made freely available to everyone.

More to be added shortly.